Koja je uloga željeznih jezgri u energetskim transformatorima?

Korištenje električnih romobila ističe željezo srž is the main part of the magnetic circuit in the transformer. It is usually composed of hot-rolled or cold-rolled silicon steel sheets with high silicon content, thickness of 0.35 or 0.5 mm, and coated with insulating paint. The željezo srž podijeljen je na dva dijela: stup od željezne jezgre i željezni jaram, a stup od željezne jezgre ima navoje; željezni jaram služi za zatvaranje magnetskog kruga.

Koja je uloga željeznih jezgri u energetskim transformatorima?-SPL-energetski transformator,električni transformator,Kombinirana kompaktna trafostanica,Metalcded AC zatvorena sklopna oprema,niskonaponski razvodni uređaj,unutarnja AC metalno obložena međusklopna jedinica,nekapsulirani energetski transformator suhog tipa,nezamotani suhi transformator zavojnice, lijevani čelični lim od epoksidne smole transformator suhog tipa, transformator suhog tipa od lijevane amorfne legure od epoksidne smole, energetski transformator uronjen u ulje od amorfne legure, snaga uronjena u ulje od silikonskog čeličnog lima, električni transformator, distribucijski transformator, transformator napona, transformator za smanjenje, redukcijski transformator, nisko- transformator snage s gubitkom, transformator s gubitkom snage, transformator uljnog tipa, transformator za distribuciju ulja, transformator s uljem, uljni transformator, transformator uronjen u ulje, trofazni energetski transformator uronjen u ulje, električni transformator punjen uljem, energetski transformator od zatvorene amorfne legure, suhi tip Transformator, suhi transformator, suhi transformator od lijevane smole, suhi transformator, transformator za lijevanje smole, suhi transformator od smole, CR DT, energetski transformator bez omotača, trofazni suhi transformator, zglobna trafostanica, AS, modularna trafostanica, transformatorska podstanica, električna podstanica, električna podstanica, predinstalirana trafostanica, YBM, montažna trafostanica, distribucijska trafostanica, kompaktna trafostanica, NN elektrane, VN elektrane, ormar za razvodne uređaje, ormar za SN razvodni uređaj, ormar za NN razvodni uređaj, ormar za VN razvodni ormar, razvodni ormar, izmjenični metalni razvodni uređaj sa zatvorenim prstenom, unutarnji metalni oklopni centralni razvodni uređaj, podstanica u obliku kutije, transformatori po narudžbi, prilagođeni transformatori, metalni električni razvodni uređaji, NN razvodni ormar,

There are two basic forms of core structure: core type and shell type.

Shell-type transformer, the iron core is made of high-quality, non-aging, cold-rolled, grain-oriented, high-permeability silicon steel sheets. There are two parallel magnetic circuits, and the iron core is arranged horizontally, so that the iron core can surround the coil. Shell transformers have a core with regular width silicon steel perforations stacked on the bottom tank flange to form lap joints, the upper tank is lowered to the wire core and coil assembly, which can then be welded to the bottom tank to achieve the fixation of the iron core. The iron core is also fastened to the external equipment due to the tension of the side plate of the fuel tank, which reduces noise and eliminates the possibility of loosening during operation; at the same time, the narrow iron core greatly improves the cooling effect. Different from the traditional core-type transformer, the shell-type transformer has an outer iron-type structure, and the iron core does not need to be equipped with oil passages to improve the cooling effect of the iron core.