What are the characteristics of the tank of the shell transformer?

Yr olew tanc o’r trawsnewidydd yn cael ei weldio gan blatiau dur cryfder tynnol uchel ac wedi’i rannu’n rhannau uchaf ac isaf. Mae gan drawsnewidyddion math cregyn goiliau sydd wedi’u selio’n llwyr â deunydd inswleiddio ac sydd yn eu tro wedi’u hamgylchynu gan greiddiau gwifren, felly nid oes ofn difrod oherwydd dylanwadau allanol, ac nid oes angen darparu gofod inswleiddio. Yn seiliedig ar hyn, dim ond ychydig o le cydosod sydd rhwng craidd haearn y newidydd math cragen a wal fewnol yr olew tanc. The oil tank is closely matched with the iron core and windings. The oil tank is a completely welded structure without bolts, which is very different from traditional transformers. The body is installed in a fuel tank, which is filled with transformer oil.

What are the characteristics of the tank of the shell transformer?-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear