How the conservator and oil level gauge of oil immersed power transformer work

Oil conservator of oil immersed power transformer is mainly responsible for oil supplement and oil storage of transformer. It is installed at the highest oil level of the transformer, mainly including the conservator body, rubber air bag, oil level indicator, conservator body and rubber capsule passing through the pipeline. The conservator body includes oil injection valve, oil drain valve, exhaust valve and sampling valve; When the oil immersed power transformer rises, the insulating oil expands to become part of the oil tank. The insulating oil flows into the conservator, and the air occupied by the conservator is discharged through the air pipe and respirator. When the load drops, the transformer temperature drops, the density of insulating oil increases, and part of the insulating oil in the oil pad will flow to the oil tank for supplement.

How the conservator and oil level gauge of oil immersed power transformer work-SPL-電力變壓器,電力變壓器,組合緊湊型變電站,金屬包覆交流封閉式開關設備,低壓開關設備,戶內交流金屬包覆中間開關設備,非包封乾式電力變壓器,開卷乾式變壓器,環氧樹脂澆注矽鋼片乾式變壓器、環氧樹脂澆注非晶合金乾式變壓器、非晶合金油浸式電力變壓器、矽鋼片油浸式電力變壓器、配電變壓器、電壓互感器、降壓變壓器、降壓變壓器、低壓變壓器有損電力變壓器,有損電力變壓器,油式變壓器,油配電變壓器,變壓器-油浸式,油式變壓器,油浸式變壓器,三相油浸式電力變壓器,油浸式電力變壓器,密封非晶合金電力變壓器,乾式變壓器,乾式變壓器,樹脂澆注乾式變壓器,乾式變壓器,樹脂澆注式變壓器,樹脂澆注乾式變壓器,CR DT,開卷式電力變壓器,三相干式變壓器,鉸接式變電站,AS,模塊化變電站,變電站,變電站,變電站,預裝式變電站,YBM,預製式變電站,配電變電站,緊湊型變電站,中壓變電站,低壓電站,高壓電站,開關櫃,中壓開關櫃,低壓開關櫃,高壓開關櫃,拉出式開關櫃,交流金屬封閉環網開關櫃,戶內金屬鎧裝中央開關櫃,箱式變電站,定制變壓器,定制變壓器,金屬封閉電氣開關櫃,低壓開關櫃,

The oil level indicator of oil immersed power transformer is usually a disc oil level indicator, which mainly reflects the oil level on the oil pad. When the oil in the conservator of oil immersed power transformer changes, the float in the conservator will move up and down with the change of oil level, and the connecting rod of the float will drive the gear for oil level rotation. Diameter of the rotor outside the conservator. The pointer connected to the stator magnet (permanent magnet) rotates at the corresponding angle through the rotation of the rotor magnet, and the low oil level alarm is reflected by the electric contact. The oil level indicator has a total of 10 scales to reflect the oil level in the oil pad. When the oil level indicator indicates 0, the main transformer sends out a low oil level alarm signal.