Why should transformer instantaneous protection avoid low-voltage short-circuit current?

Why should transformer instantaneous protection avoid low-voltage short-circuit current?-SPL- kragtransformator, elektriese transformator, gekombineerde kompakte substasie, metaalbeklede AC-omslote skakeltuig, laespanningskakelaar, binnenshuise AC-metaalbeklede intermediêre skakeltuig, nie-ingekapsuleerde droë-tipe kragtransformator, ontoegewikkelde spoel droë-tipe transformator, epoksiehars gegote silikon staalplaat droë-tipe transformator, epoksiehars gegote amorfe legering droë-tipe transformator, Amorfe legering olie-gedompelde kragtransformator, Silikon staalplaat olie-gedompelde krag, elektriese transformator, Verspreiding Transformator, spanning transformator, trap-af transformator, verminderde transformator, lae- verlieskragtransformator, verlieskragtransformator, Olietipe transformator, Olieverspreidingstransformator, Transformator-Oliegedompelde, Olietransformator, Oliegedompelde transformator, driefase-olie-onderdompelde kragtransformator, oliegevulde elektriese transformator, Verseëlde amorfe legeringskragtransformator, Droë tipe Transformator, droë transformator, gegote hars droë tipe transformator, droë-tipe transformator, hars-giet tipe transformator, geharseerde droë tipe transformator, CR DT, Ongewikkelde spoelkragtransformator, driefase droë transformator, geartikuleerde eenheid substasie, AS, Modulêre substasie, transformator substasie, elektriese substasie, Krag Substasie, Vooraf geïnstalleerde substasie, YBM, voorafvervaardigde substasie, Verspreiding Substasie, kompakte substasie, MV kragstasies, LV-kragstasies, HV-kragstasies, Skakeltoestelkabinet, MV-skakeltoestelkabinet, LV-skakeltoestelkabinet, HV-skakeltoestelkabinet, uittrekskakelkas, AC-metaal geslote ringnetwerkskakeltoestel, Binnenshuise metaal gepantserde sentrale skakeltuig, Box-tipe substasie, pasgemaakte transformators, pasgemaakte transformators, metaal-omhulde elektriese skakeltuig, LV-skakeltoestelkabinet,

This is mainly to consider the selectivity of transformer relay protection action. The quick break protection at the high spanning side of the transformer is mainly used to protect the external faults of the transformer. In the setting, if the maximum short circuit current at the low spanning side of the transformer is not avoided, the short circuit current values in the range not far from the outlet at the low voltage side do not change much and are basically the same, which will expand the scope of the quick break protection at the high voltage side of the transformer to the low-voltage outgoing line, thus losing the selectivity After the loss of selectivity, the protection is more reliable, but it brings inconvenience to permission. For example, many industrial parks are now equipped with 10KV general distribution rooms (10KV bus bars+outgoing circuit breakers), and each workshop is equipped with low-voltage distribution rooms (ring network cabinet+transformer). If the circuit breaker does not escape the maximum short circuit current at the low-voltage side of the transformer, it will cause the low-voltage main switch, (ring network cabinet load switch fuse), and high-voltage circuit breaker to act, which will bring inconvenience to the operation