- 07
- 10月
What are the classifications of transformers?
Many people do not know what types of transformers there are. As a professional manufacturer and exporter of power transformers in China, we can tell you the exact answer.
A transformer is a static electrical device that changes the voltage and current of the AC power supply without changing the frequency. It has two (or several) windings. At the same frequency, it converts the AC voltage and current of one system into another through electromagnetic induction. An electrical device through which electrical energy is transmitted by the alternating voltage and current of one (or several) systems. Usually, the AC voltage and current values of at least two systems to which it is connected are different.
可见,变压器是一种通过电磁感应工作的交流电气设备。 主变系统由线圈、铁芯、主变压器油箱、变压器油、调压装置、气体继电器、油枕和油位计、压力释放器、测温装置、冷却系统、潜油泵等组成。此外,主变还配备了气相色谱在线监测装置,每周检测一次变压器油中的溶解气体,以判断设备的运行状态。
变压器的分类方法很多:按用途不同可分为电力变压器、工业变压器和其他特殊用途的专用变压器; 按绕组和铁芯的冷却介质可分为油浸式变压器和干式变压器; 不同类型的铁芯可分为铁芯式变压器和壳式变压器; 按调压方式不同,可分为无励磁调压变压器和有载调压变压器; 按相数可分为三相变压器和单相变压器。 变压器; 按芯柱上的绕组数可分为双绕组变压器和多绕组变压器; 根据不同电压的绕组之间是否有电气连接,可分为独立绕组变压器和自耦变压器等。
现在你知道变压器的分类有哪些了吗? 如果不清楚,可以联系我们的变压器厂。