Quais são as diferenças entre o diferencial do transformador principal e a proteção de gás de transformadores imersos em óleo?

1. The differential protection of the main transformer of the oil-immersed transformer is designed and manufactured according to the principle of circulating current, while the gas protection is designed and manufactured according to the characteristic that gas will be generated or decomposed when the internal fault of the transformer occurs.

Quais são as diferenças entre o diferencial do transformador principal e a proteção de gás de transformadores imersos em óleo?-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear

2. The differential protection of the oil-immersed transformer is the main protection of the transformer, and the gas protection is the main protection of the internal fault of the transformer.

Quais são as diferenças entre o diferencial do transformador principal e a proteção de gás de transformadores imersos em óleo?-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear

3. The scope of protection of oil-immersed transformers is different:

3.1 Differential protection of oil-immersed transformer:

1) Curto-circuito multifásico ocorre no fio condutor do transformador principal e na bobina do transformador.

2) Single-phase serious inter-turn short circuit.

3) Proteja a falha de aterramento da bobina e do fio condutor no sistema de aterramento de alta corrente.

3.2 Proteção de gás de transformadores imersos em óleo:

1) Multi-phase short circuit inside the transformer.

2) Inter-turn short circuit, inter-turn and iron core or outer and short circuit.

3) Falha no núcleo de ferro (aquecimento e queima).

4) The oil will leak or leak under the oil level.

5) Poor contact of the tap changer or poor wire welding.

Quais são as diferenças entre o diferencial do transformador principal e a proteção de gás de transformadores imersos em óleo?-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear