- 28
- Feb
Transformator folga o’rash mashinasi
Transformator folga o’rash mashinasi
Folga o’rash mashina folga transformator mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish uchun javob beradi. Folga o’tkazgichlar o’tkazgich sifatida turli qalinlikdagi mis yoki alyuminiy folga chiziqlaridan tayyorlanadi, qatlamlararo izolyatsiya sifatida izolyatsiya materialining keng chiziqlari bo’lib, ular o’ralgan rulonlarni hosil qilish uchun o’rash mashinasida o’raladi. Mashina dumaloq, tasvirlar va to’rtburchaklar shakldagi rulonlarni shamollashi mumkin. The machine is controlled by PLC/touch screen. PLC acts as the central control system to receive and process signals from various parts, and the touch screen writes the parameters. It has the characteristics of high automation and complete functions, which provide guarantee for the axial tightness and amplitude tightness of coil winding. The functions of the equipment provide sufficient support for the production of electrical coils that meet the requirements of the specifications. It is the necessary production equipment for the production of components for such electrical products. |
Yo’q | buyum | ma’lumotlar |
1 | Processing coil parameters | |
1.1 | Maksimal eksenel uzunlik (mm) | Maksimal: 1400 mm |
1.2 | Qo’rg’oshin bilan maksimal eksenel uzunlik (mm) | Max:2000MM |
1.3 | Bobinning maksimal tashqi diametri (qatordan tashqari) | PH1000mm |
1.4 | Coil maximum outer diameter (Max) | PH1200mm |
1.5 | Coil inner diameter (Min) | cheklanmagan |
1.6 | Bobin shakli | Dumaloq, tasvirlar, to’rtburchaklar, cho’zinchoq va boshqalar. |
2 | Coil material parameters | |
2.1 | Mis folga yoki alyuminiy folga texnik xususiyatlari | Mis folga qalinligi: 0.2-2.5 mm, alyuminiy folga qalinligi: 0.3-3 mm
Folga kengligi ≤ 1400 mm, Bobin diametri PH500, tashqi diametri ≤1200mm |
3 | Conductive foil unwinding device | Independent two sets / feeding device |
3.1 | Oziqlantirish tsilindrining uzunligi (mm) | 1450mm |
3.2 | Bearing cylinder expansion and contraction range (mm) | -460 -520 |
3.3 | Qabul qiluvchi silindrning maksimal yuk hajmi (kg) | 5000kg |
3.4 | Folga kamar maksimal kuchlanish | Maks: 20000N/M o’rash kuchlanishini ushlab turish |
3.5 | Ish bosimini kuchaytirish | 0-0.7Mpa |
4 | Tuzatish moslamasi mustaqil ikkita to’plam va uncoiler harakati | |
4.1 | Tuzatish usuli | Fotoelektrik induksiyani avtomatik tuzatish |
4.2 | Correction accuracy (mm) | ± 0.5mm |
5 | O’rash mashinasi | |
5.1 | Shamol tezligi | 0-20r / daqiqa |
5.2 | Working torque (Max) | 20000N / M |
5.3 | Winder power (KW) | 30KW |
5.4 | Tezlik rejimi | Chastotani konvertatsiya qilish bosqichsiz tezlikni tartibga solish |
5.5 | Mandrel clamping method | Ruxsat etilgan yuqori yordam |
6 | Izolyatsiyani ochish moslamasi | |
6.1 | Qatlamli izolyatsiyani o’rnatish shaftasi | 2 sets (inflatable mode) two-axis transition |
6.2 | Maksimal izolyatsiyaning tashqi diametri | MAXΦ400mm |
6.3 | Qatlamli izolyatsiya rulosining ichki diametri | General Φ76mm |
6.4 | Qatlam izolyatsiyasining maksimal kengligi | Maks: 1650 mm |
6.5 | Ochiq g’altak shakli | Inflatable mode |
6.6 | Bo’shatish kuchlanish | ≤200N-M / o’rash kuchini ushlab turish |
6.7 | Correction device | Ikki to’siq |
6.8 | Tuzatish usuli | Manual digital |
6.9 | End insulation device | Unilateral four sets of |
7 | PLC avtomatik boshqaruv tizimi | |
7.1 | Raqamlarni hisoblash | To’rt raqamli (0.0-999.9) hisoblash aniqligi 0.1 burilish. |
7.2 | Asosiy funktsiya | Segmental kirish, qayta tiklanadigan, quvvat uzilishi xotirasi va boshqalar |
7.3 | Operating interface/system | Independent Development of Touch Control screen / system |
7.4 | Jami quvvat | 40Kw/3x380V+N+PE 50Hz |
8 | Unhairing device | Noyob chakalaklarni tozalash moslamasi konstruktsiyasi burrni tozalashdan keyin ≤0.02 mm ni tashkil qiladi |
9 | Zararsizlantirish zavodi | Effectively remove residual burr and dirt from foil |
10 | Oziqlantirish qurilmasi | Ikki mustaqil to’plam |
11 | Kesish moslamasi | Sun’iy elektr qaychi rejimi |
11.1 | Speed of shear | 1.5m / min |
11.2 | Sheared length | 1400mm |
12 | Manba | qo’lda payvandlash |
13 | O’rash mili o’lchami | One root of 70X70 squared axis |
13.1 | G’altakning yuqori markazi | 900mm |
13.2 | Bobinning markaziy masofasi | 800mm |
14 | Qurilma rangi | RAL5015 |