- 06
- May
LV 115V distribution substation, SC(B)11 dry type electric transformer, fixed-mounted/ withdrawable switchgear cabinet, factory in China
Recently, one of our friends billed again for a large quantity of our electric products, including LV 115V distribution substations, SC(B)11 dry type electric transformers and fixed-mounted/ withdrawable switchgear cabinets. We are in the progress of manufacturing with our whole heart. We can deliver in about 13 days. Quality, quality,quality!
Xaraashka birta ah ee Epoxy Cast Silicon Steel Sheet Qalalan Nooca Qalalan ee Korontada / Beddelka Qaybinta
Naqshadeynta gaarka ah
Marxaladda: Saddex
Dabayl: Dual
Voltage Service: 6-35kV
Awoodda la qiimeeyay: 30-20000kVA
Joogitaanka: 50 / 60Hz
Astaanta isku xidhka: Dyn11/Yyn0/Yd11/YNd11/
Buuxi shuruudahaaga saxda ah
Alaabooyinka caadiga ah
SC (B) 10 taxane qaybinta transformer 10KV
SC (B) 11 taxane qaybinta transformer 10KV
SC (B) 12 taxane qaybinta transformer 10KV
SC (B) 13 taxane qaybinta transformer 10KV
SC (B) 10 taxane koronto koronto 35KV
Waqtiga hogaaminta oo gaaban
SC(B)11 Taxane
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