- 13
- May
Metal clad AC enclosed switchgear cabinet, Load regulated oil electric transformer, low voltage 230V American type substation, manufacturer
Electric equipments such as load regulated oil electric transformer, low voltage 230V American type substation, Metal clad AC enclosed switchgear cabinet and load regulated oil electric transformer, play an important role in the electrical field. In our factory or bill list, you can see them. Based on more than 10 years of experience and advanced tech, we are able to guarantee the high quality, reasonable price and fast delivery.
Metal clad AC enclosed switchgear Cabinet
අභිමත නිර්මාණ
සේවා වෝල්ටීයතාව: 40.5kV දක්වා
ශ්රේණිගත ධාරාව: 2000A දක්වා
සංඛ්යාතය: 50 / 60Hz
ඔබේ නිශ්චිත අවශ්යතා සපුරාලන්න
සම්මත නිෂ්පාදන
XGN15-12 Metalclad AC සංවෘත ස්විච්ජියර්
කෙටි ඉදිරි කාලය
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