Recommended: high voltage 35KV American type substation, silicon steel sheet electrical transformer, factory

Recently, a foreign fiend billed some equipments such as high voltage 35KV American type substation, silicon steel sheet electrical transformer. We are trying our best to manufacture, will deliver the products within 10 days.

American type substation:

Design personalizado

Tensão de Serviço: 6-10kV

Capacidade nominal: 30-2500kVA

Frequência: 50 / 60Hz

Atenda aos seus requisitos precisos

Produtos padrão

Transformador combinado ZGS11-H(Z)

Prazo de execução mais curto

Instalado interno ou externo, amplamente utilizado em parque industrial, área residencial urbana, centro comercial, arranha-céus e canteiro de obras temporário e outros locais

Issues recommended:

price mini substation wholesaler, custom order oil type network transformer manufacturer

standard electrical transformer sizes, electric substation tropico 6, network trans usa, customization integrated substation exporter

Recommended: high voltage 35KV American type substation, silicon steel sheet electrical transformer, factory-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear