What attention should be paid to the switchgear installation

What attention should be paid to the switchgear installation


Many switchgear importers have got their products, but know little about switchgear installation. Here are the suggestions.

First, as switchgear installation is a professional work, you should find a electrician to help you.

Secondly, ambient environment such as the temperature, humidity, altitude and others should be considered before start the switchgear installation.

Last but not least, five problems should be mentioned: 1. After the vacuum çerx şikandin trolley in the high voltage switch cabinet is closed at the test position, the trolley circuit breaker cannot enter the working position.  2. When the grounding knife in the high voltage switch cabinet is in position, the trolley circuit breaker cannot enter the working position and close.  3. When the vacuum circuit breaker in the high voltage switch cabinet is closed, the front and back doors of the cabinet are locked by the machinery on the grounding knife.  4. The vacuum circuit breaker in the high voltage switch cabinet closes when working, and the grounding knife cannot close and put in.  5. The vacuum circuit breaker in the high voltage switch cabinet cannot exit the working position of the trolley circuit breaker when it is working and closing.


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