As a professional dry type transformer manufacturer, why do we select the vacuum resin cast technology to produce resin cast trasformers

We are one of the top power distribution transformer manufacturers in China. Many clients who have ever douted whethter we us the vacuum resin cast technology to produce the resin cast dry type trasformers. Lets talk about it.
First of all, we should understand that the insulation medium of epoxy resin dry-type transformers is a resin mixture without bubbles. Due to its high resistivity and good insulation performance, epoxy resin is selected for manufacturing dry-type transformers in our workshop;
The key point is that we use the vacuum pouring process to produce coil casting dry-type transformers because epoxy resin can be immersed in the layer gaps and line gaps between the high-voltage coil enameled wires, which can improve the withstand voltage performance of the high-voltage coil, reduce noise, and extend the service life of the dry-type transformer;
In addition, the evenly mixed potting material after special treatment and solidification has excellent mechanical properties and longer service life;
Another very important point is that the surface of vacuum encapsulated products after solidification is free of bubbles and casting sand holes, which can effectively reduce partial discharge in dry-type transformers;
Finally, the vacuum encapsulation production process can achieve efficient and pollution-free production. We choose this process to manufacture dry type power transformers, which is precisely the responsibility of our factory for environmental protection.

As a professional dry type transformer manufacturer, why do we select the vacuum resin cast technology to produce resin cast trasformers-Transformatora hêzê ya SPL, transformatora elektrîkê, binstasyona kompakt a hevgirtî, Veguhezkara pêvekirî ya AC ya Metalclad, Veguhezkara voltaja nizm, Veguhezkara navîn a bi metal AC a hundurîn, Transformatora Hêzê ya bi celebê zuwa ya ne-vegirtî, kulîlka neçapkirî, ji nû ve veguherînerek pola ya ziwa-poxîkî transformatora tîpa zuwa, transformatora amorf a amorf a rezîna epoksî, Transformatora hêzê ya bi rûnê amorfîkî, enerjiya nixumandî ya bi rûnê pola silicon, transformatorê elektrîkê, Transformatora Belavkirinê, transformatorê voltazê, transformatora gav-xwarê, transformatora kêmker, kêm- Transformatora hêza winda, transformatora hêza winda, Transformatora celebê rûnê, Transformatorê belavkirina rûnê, veguherîner-rûn-lmerkirî, veguherînerê rûnê, transformatora bi rûnê nixumandî, transformatora hêzê ya bi rûnê sê qonax, transformatora elektrîkê ya tije rûn, Transformatora hêza alloya amorf a morfkirî, Tîpa Dry Transformator, Transformatora zuwa, Transformatora Tîpa Ziwa ya Rezîneya Kastê, Transformatora tîpa zuwa, Transformatora celebê rijandin, Transformatora celebê hişkkirî, CR Di Qereqolên elektrîkê yên LV, santralên elektrîkê yên HV, Kabîneya Veguhezarê, Kabîneya Veguhezarê MV, Kabîneya Veguhezarê ya LV, Kabîneya guhêrbar a HV, kabîneya veguheztinê ya jêderketî, guhartera tora zengila girtî ya Ac metal, guhartera navendî ya zirxî ya metalî ya hundurîn, binstasyona guhêzbar a qutiyê, transformatorên xwerû, Veguheztina elektrîkê ya pêgirtî ya metal, kabîneya guhêrbar a LV,