Why should we speed up the technical transformation of high energy consumption distribution transformers?

Why should we speed up the technical transformation of high energy consumption distribution transformers?-SPL- transformator daya, transformator listrik, gardu kompak Gabungan, Switchgear Tertutup AC Metalclad, Switchgear Tegangan Rendah, Switchgear Menengah Berpakaian Logam AC Dalam Ruangan, Transformator Daya tipe-kering yang tidak dienkapsulasi, transformator tipe-kering koil tidak terbungkus, lembaran baja silikon cor resin Epoxy resin transformator tipe kering, resin epoksi cor paduan amorf transformator tipe kering, transformator daya terendam oli paduan amorf, daya terendam minyak lembaran baja silikon, transformator listrik, transformator distribusi, transformator tegangan, transformator step-down, transformator pereduksi, transformator rendah trafo daya rugi, trafo daya rugi, Trafo tipe minyak, Trafo Distribusi Minyak, Trafo-Oil-lmmersed, Trafo Minyak, Trafo Terendam Minyak, trafo daya terendam minyak tiga fase, trafo listrik diisi minyak, Trafo daya paduan amorf tersegel, Tipe Kering Trafo, Trafo kering, Trafo Tipe Kering Cast Resin, trafo tipe kering, trafo tipe pengecoran resin, trafo tipe kering resin, CR DT, Trafo daya koil terbuka, Trafo kering tiga fase, gardu unit artikulasi, AS, gardu Modular, gardu transformator, gardu listrik, gardu listrik, gardu listrik, gardu prainstal, YBM, gardu prefabrikasi, gardu distribusi, gardu kompak, pembangkit listrik MV, Pembangkit listrik LV, pembangkit listrik HV, Kabinet Switchgear, Kabinet Switchgear MV, Kabinet Switchgear LV, Kabinet Switchgear HV, kabinet sakelar tarik, Switchgear jaringan cincin tertutup logam Ac, Switchgear pusat lapis baja logam dalam ruangan, Gardu induk tipe kotak, trafo khusus, transformator yang disesuaikan, switchgear listrik tertutup logam, Kabinet Switchgear LV,

High energi consumption distribution transformers mainly refer to SJ, SJL, SL7, S7 and other series transformers. Their iron loss and copper loss are much higher than those of S9 series transformers widely used at present. For example, compared with S9, the iron loss of S7 is 11% higher and the copper loss is 28% higher. However, new transformers, such as S10 and S11, are more energy-saving than S9, and the iron loss of amorphous alloy transformer is only 20% of S7. Generally, the service life of transformer is as long as several decades. Replacing high energy consumption transformer with high efficiency energy-saving transformer can not only improve the energy conversion efficiency, but also achieve considerable power saving effect during the service life.