Professional distribution transformer manufacturer: several knowledge points about transformers

1. What harm does transformer lack of oil have on operation?

Answer: If the oil level of the transformer is too low, the light gas protection will operate, and the heat dissipation capacity of the transformer will decrease. When there is a serious lack of oil, the iron core and coil will be exposed to the air, which may cause insulation breakdown.

2. What is the function of transformer oil conservator?

Answer: The contact area between oil and air is reduced, thereby reducing the possibility of oil getting wet and oxidized. After the oil conservator is installed, a gas gas relay can also be installed to protect the internal failure of the transformer.

3. Why is it stipulated that the transformer core has one and only one point of grounding?

Answer: In order to prevent the transformer from generating floating potential on the iron core or other metal components due to electrostatic induction during operation or testing, causing discharge to the ground.

Only one point of grounding is allowed, because if two or more points are grounded, a closed loop may be formed between the two points. When the main magnetic flux passes through this closed loop, a circulating current will be generated in it, causing local overheating.

4. Under what circumstances is the porcelain sleeve easily damaged?

Answer: ①The installation and use are unreasonable. For example, the mechanical load exceeds the regulations, the voltage level does not meet, and the selection is not based on the pollution level;

②External damage due to sudden cold and hot weather and hail;

③Because the surface is dirty, flashover is caused in thunderstorm and foggy days; ④The short circuit of the equipment causes excessive mechanical stress of the motor.

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