Where to purchase high voltage 10KV fabricated substation, low voltage 127V European type substation, Load regulated oil type distribution transformer, factory, price

If you are just in need of alto voltage 10KV fabricated substation, low voltage 127V European type substation, Load regulated oil type distribución transformer, you can contact us to tell your precise demand, and we are able to supply various solutions ASAP.

Fabricated substation/ European type substation

Aceptar personalizado

Tensión de servizo: 6-40.5 kV

Capacidade nominal: 30-20000 kVA

Frecuencia: 50 / 60Hz

Cumpre os seus requisitos precisos

Adecuado para empresas industriais e mineiras, estacións, peiraos, aeroportos, lugares públicos, alto-Edificios de aumento e áreas residenciais de usuarios de enerxía, pódese aplicar á fonte de alimentación do anel e á fonte de alimentación do terminal.

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