Indoor AC metal clad intermediate switchgear

Indoor AC metal clad intermediate switchgear-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear

Dyluniad personol

  • Foltedd Gwasanaeth: 3.6-12kV
  • Cyfredol â sgôr: hyd at 3150A
  • Amledd: 50 / 60Hz

Cwrdd â’ch union ofynion

Cynhyrchion safonol

  • KYN28A-12 Dan Do AC Metal Clad switchgear Canolradd

Amser arweiniol byrrach


Applicable for power receiving and distribution and for control, protection and measurement of circuit. Product is composed of the cabinet and withdrawable parts.The cabinet adopts aluminized zinc plate or galvanized sheet, using metel gofod clapfwrdd ar gyfer ystafell torri cylchedau (ystafell cert llaw), prif siambr bar bysiau, siambr gebl ac ystafell reoli ras gyfnewid, a’r cyfan metel constructions are reliable grounding, the primary loop system of each compartment is equipped with pressure relief channels.

Dyluniad personol

Gallwn ddarparu atebion wedi’u teilwra ar gyfer pob her unigryw. Mae ein tîm yn hyblyg ac yn wybodus a gallant ddarparu dyluniad, arweiniad a chefnogaeth wedi’i deilwra wrth ymateb yn gyflym i geisiadau.

Cynhyrchion safonol

Mae’r cynhyrchion safonol yn unol â safonau cenedlaethol Prydain Fawr Tsieineaidd a’r safonau IEC rhyngwladol.

Indoor AC metal clad intermediate switchgear-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear

KYN28A-12 Dan Do AC Metal Clad switchgear Canolradd


Indoor AC metal clad intermediate switchgear-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear



Amgylchedd cymwys

1. Tymheredd aer amgylchynol: -15 ° C ~ ~ 40 ° C (-25 ° C ~ ~ 45 ° C ar gael fel cynhyrchion wedi’u haddasu)

2. Altitude: ≤4000m

3. Lleithder cymharol:

Cyfartaledd dyddiol <95%, pwysau anwedd dŵr cyfartalog dyddiol <2.2kPa

Monthly average ≤90%, monthly average water vapor pressure ≤1.8kPa

4. Earthquake intensity: ≤ magnitude 8

5. Applicable in places without corrosive, flammable gas and steam and places no regular severe shock.

Note: Customized products available.