250 KVA 20 KV hermetic oil type distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, oil cooled transformer, China manufacturer supplier factory, high quality

Power and distribution transformer can be custom-made by our factory, welcome to contact us!

Characteristic of 250 KVA 20 KV hermetic oil type distribution transformer

Math o drawsnewidydd: S11-250 kVA-20/0.4 kV

  • Foltedd uchel: 20 kV
  • Foltedd isel: 0.4 kV
  • Connection symbol: Dyn11/Yyn0/Yzn11
  • Amrediad tapio: ± 2 × 2.5%
  • Deunydd coil: Copr / alwminiwm
  • Cooling type: ONAN/AN (natural air cooling)
  • Modd rheoleiddio foltedd: Foltedd heb ei gyffro yn rheoleiddio
  • Load loss: 3520/3350 W
  • Dim colli llwyth: 400 W
  • Foltedd rhwystriant: 5.5%

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250 KVA 20 KV hermetic oil type distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, oil cooled transformer, China manufacturer supplier factory, high quality-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear