160 KVA 6 KV molded cast coil transformer, dry type transformer, transformer factory, China manufacturer, specification

Welcome to contact us to get the exact specification of the dry transformer 160 kVA!

Characteristic of 160 KVA 6 KV molded cast coil transformer

Math o drawsnewidydd: SCB10-160 kVA-6/0.4 kV

  • Foltedd uchel: 6 kV
  • Foltedd isel: 0.4 kV
  • Symbol cysylltiad: Dyn11/Yyn0
  • Amrediad tapio: ± 2 × 2.5%
  • Deunydd coil: Copr / alwminiwm
  • Cooling type: AN (natural air cooling)
  • Modd rheoleiddio foltedd: Foltedd heb ei gyffro yn rheoleiddio
  • Colli llwyth: 2130 W
  • Dim colli llwyth: 540 W
  • Foltedd rhwystriant: 4.0%

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160 KVA 6 KV molded cast coil transformer, dry type transformer, transformer factory, China manufacturer, specification-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear