Recommended: unenveloped dry type transformer, SZ11 oil distribution transformer, HV 11KV electric transformer

In the electrical field, unenveloped dry type transformer, SZ11 oil distribution transformer, and HV 11KV electric transformer, play an important role. They are manufactured by our factory, in a large quantity. On the premise of the high quality, the price is reasonable, and the lead time can be shorten within 15 days.

Trawsnewidyddion sych:

Dyluniad personol

Cam: Tri

Dirwyn: Deuol

Foltedd Gwasanaeth: 6-35kV

Cynhwysedd Gradd: 30-20000kVA

Amledd: 50 / 60Hz

Symbol cysylltiad: Dyn11/Yyn0/Yd11/YNd11/

Cwrdd â’ch union ofynion

Cynhyrchion safonol

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Recommended: unenveloped dry type transformer, SZ11 oil distribution transformer, HV 11KV electric transformer-SPL- power transformer, distribution transformer, oil immersed transformer, dry type transformer, cast coil transformer, ground mounted transformer, resin insulated transformer, oil cooled transformer, substation transformer, switchgear