What are the advantages of dry-type transformers compared with oil-immersed transformers?

1. Dry-type power transformers can avoid the risk of fire and explosion of transformer oil due to failures during operation. Since the insulation materials of dry-type transformers are all flame-retardant materials, even if the transformer fails during operation and causes a fire or an external fire source, the fire disaster will not expand.

2. Dry-type power transformers will not have oil leakage problems like oil-immersed transformers, and there will be no problems such as transformer oil aging. Usually, dry-type power transformers will greatly reduce the workload of operation, maintenance and inspection, and can even be maintenance-free.

3. The dry-type power transformer is generally an indoor device, and it can also be made into an outdoor type for places with special requirements. It can be installed in the same room as the switch cabinet to reduce the installation area.

4. Since the dry-type power transformer has no oil, there are few accessories, no oil conservator, safety airway and a large number of valves, and no sealing problems.