- 13
- Jun
Low/middle/high voltage central switchgear, load regulated oil distribution transformer, high voltage 20KV transformer substation, KYN28A-12 Indoor AC metal clad intermediate switchgear, manufacturer
If you need Low/middle/high voltage central switchgear, load regulated oil distribution transformer, high voltage 20KV transformer substation, and KYN28A-12 Indoor AC Metal Clad Intermediate switchgear, just contact us. We can provide you with the most convenient one-stop solution.
የቤት ውስጥ የኤሲ ሜታል ክላድ መካከለኛ መቀየሪያ
ብጁ ንድፍ
የአገልግሎት ቮልቴጅ: 3.6-12kV
ደረጃ የተሰጠው ወቅታዊ፡ እስከ 3150A
ድግግሞሽ: 50 / 60Hz
ትክክለኛ መስፈርቶችዎን ያሟሉ
መደበኛ ምርቶች
KYN28A-12 የቤት ውስጥ ኤሲ ሜታል ክላድ መካከለኛ መቀየሪያ
አጭር የአመራር ጊዜ
Applicable for power receiving and distribution and for control, protection and measurement of circuit
ተዛማጅ ርዕሶች
c distribution, electric utility transformer, China dry power transformer seller, distribution transformer design calculations, underground transformer, transformer oil sampling, custom transformer paint