- 27
- Apr
How work substation in China punctual delivery
Many people are curious about how electrical substations work . First of all, we will make preparations before the shift handover. The shift leader on duty will check the operation and whether there are potential safety hazards. Secondly, we should make preparations before taking over the shift. The personnel taking over the shift should dress and wear the post logo for pre shift division of labor. Finally, we should report and supervise the handover operation. how electrical substations work di pêvajoya xebata me de girêdanek girîng e, û di heman demê de em di prosesa xebata xwe de girîngiyê didinê. Serfkaran jî meraq dikin how electrical substations work. Ji ber vê yekê, divê em pêvajoya avakirina xwe zelal bikin, xerîdar û gel piştrast bikin.
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